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Lucky Number Six

Writer's picture: Brian ConnollyBrian Connolly

I love board games.

I always have.

I enjoy the intermingling of both chance and strategy.

I pride myself on thinking multiple moves ahead and anticipating what my opponents will do next.

As a child, I would revel in such games as Monopoly and Clue.

Although I still enjoy the games that I grew up playing, I do find myself, however, currently gravitating toward one game in particular.

It’s called Settlers of Catan.

Within this game, the roll of the dice is of the utmost importance.

It’s the combination of a multitude of numbers that determines if you collect certain resources based on where you’ve built your houses and cities.

Your strategy and progress is solely based on whether or not your numbers are rolled.

Because the number six has a relatively high probability rate of being rolled due to the possible number of combinations between the two die that total this number, it is greatly sought after and valued.

Likewise, the number six in the story commonly referred to as the ‘Miracle at Cana’ is also highly significant and deserving of our attention.

Here’s the scene: Jesus and His disciples are attending a wedding in Cana of Galilee. On the third day of the wedding feast, Mary, Jesus’ mother, tells her son that the wine has run out.

Mary, knowing who her son is and what He has come to do, turns to the servants and says, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”

It just so happens that there were six stone water pots in attendance that were set apart for the Jewish custom of purification.

This is significant because the number six oftentimes symbolizes mankind.

Lest we forget, man was created on the sixth day (see Genesis 1:26-31).

Why is this important?

It’s important for two reasons, both of which are found in what Jesus says next.

In John 2:7, Jesus tells the servants to fill the pots with water.

In other words, the pots were empty… and herein lies the dual meaning.

Firstly, man without God has nothing to offer anyone.

Secondly, it’s only when man empties Himself before God — surrenders, yields, and abandons himself — that he can be filled with what God wants to pour out.

The former reveals our current predicament while the latter reveals the strategy of how to alleviate where we find ourselves.

These pots were created on purpose for a purpose.

They were made to contain water for the washing away of any ritual impurities.

They were consecrated, set apart, for such use.

Likewise, you and I were made to be filled with the Spirit of God.

And I believe that God wants us to use this time to consecrate ourselves to the Lord through prayer while we persist in asking for a greater outpouring of His Spirit.

Whatever is consecrated to God is fit for use.

It’s set apart for His plans and purposes.

During these upper room moments of praying and waiting for what the Father has promised, we are declaring to Him that we want a greater baptism in the Spirit not for our sake, but for the sake of the world.

We are consecrating ourselves in order that we may be fit for use, in order that we may be filled.

Interestingly enough, Jesus tells the servants to fill the pots with water.

They don’t just fill the pots half of the way or three quarters of the way.


The bible says that they filled them to the brim (see John 2:7).

God can only fill what’s void of self.

The emptier we are, the fuller we’ll live.

This is why humility is the path to receiving a greater baptism in the Spirit.

Only the humble can recognize their deep need for God and why they must continually depend upon Him.

Water always flows to the lowest place.

The Holy Spirit is attracted to the humble of heart.

The lower we go, the more He will draw near.

On top of the pots being filled to the brim, what was carried out of them turned to wine.

What was put in those pots was meant to be taken out.

Likewise, the filling of God’s Spirit was meant to be poured out of us.

And as these rivers of living water flow forth from our innermost being, they will become like wine to those that experience them.

What we will be intoxicated with will intoxicate others.

The more drunk we are with the Spirit, the greater of use we will be.

People will encounter joy, peace, and love… and it remains my conviction that we owe them such an experience.

- Brian Connolly, Faith Like Birds


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